Being in a field that demands creativity all the time can be draining on your soul. I struggle with this constantly and will probably struggle with it for most of my life.

Creativity is not a river that awesomeness just flows from. It isn’t a faucet that can be turned on and off at a whim.

It’s a discipline that is learned over time and with enough mental exercise it can start to become part of your daily life fabric.

It can change how you look at things and present options when options seem to be few.

I think it’s important to remember that creativity, ideas, thoughts need time to grow and be good.

As a person who has been battling ADHD for most of my adult life. I know how exceptionally hard it is for me to allow things the time they need to be great.

I tend to move quickly and forget to return to whatever the thing was I was really wanting to do.

This in and of itself can be frustrating as you start to stretch yourself very thin and become no good to anyone or any project.

This can and does lead to high levels of stress or anxiety which is very bad to your health and physical appearance.

I guess, the points I am really trying to make are.

  • Allow yourself to be ok with sitting on ideas for a while.
  • Allow yourself the time needed to turn good things into great things.
  • Allow yourself the time to be present in the moment.
  • Allow yourself the time to be active.
  • Allow yourself the time to learn.

None of these things are easy. If they were they wouldn’t be worth doing.

Sometimes just knowing that we have the ability is a great kicking off point for change.

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