The funny thing about goals is that they are a complete fabrication and fantasy we tell ourselves.

They start of as being something we are striving to be, to do, to have. But quickly become traps for excuses and procrastination.

I’m of the mind that if you want to be a certain way. You either decide to be or decide not to be.

Which is why I believe we use the word “goal” when what we really mean is “change”

Goals, should be allowed timelines to get better. Changes are definate. Changes are for saying “this was a certain way and I want it to be a different way. So I am going to change it.”

Change is not a goal…

Making change a goal allows us this wiggle room to not be the thing, to not do the thing. It allows us the timeframe to make up excuses as to why we haven’t started already.

taking those first steps means that you’ve now changed the thing, habit, whatever it is. It means that you are now no longer talking about it but, taking action. It may not be perfect but you’ve made the change and now improvement should be the goal.

When you start changing the thing that you wanted to change. You start off sucking at it. But with time it improves. That’s just the way growth works.

The hardest part of making changes is the ability take those few steps forward. The great thing though is that when you take that very first step. You’ve now become the thing.

We forget that mastery takes time.
We don’t all wake up olympians.

Sticking with something is when you really get to see what you’re made of.

Life is great at giving us reasons to quit.

But if it’s something you want bad enough you’ll always find ways to make it work. Ways to not quit.

However, if you do make a change only to find out that it’s not for you or not what you thought it was going to be.

You can chose to make the change to not do that anymore.

Try doing that with goals…

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